Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Green is the big Buzz

Green - it's everywhere. Take for instance the latest issue of Vanity Fair - it is their "2nd Annual Green Issue" - and it's packed full of commentary on every aspect of the environment and concerns over how to save it. It highlights dozens of global citizens, crusaders whose weapons are food, fashion, music, fame and movies, as well as science and politics.
Our homes - how we heat and cool them, how we light them, how we build them, and how we beautify them to our unique taste - is one of the biggest areas we can impact, next to the cars we drive. With choices ranging from recycled glass tiles to reclaimed hardwood floors and cabinets, natural clay plasters to low-VOC paint, sustainable growth woods, and energy effiecient appliances and lighting - the possiblities are endless, and easy to implement with a little knowledge.

Building a design team who is knowledgeable and as dedicated to environmentally responsible practices as you are is vital to creating a successful, funtional, earth-friendly home. For a list of questions you should ask your designer, architect and builder before you hire them, and a free report on "10 Easy ways to Go Green", please email info@sesshudesign.com or visit our web-site at www.sesshudesign.com.

Have an inspired day!

Vanity Fair, May 2007

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